Freelancing, or ‘flexible working’ as some call it, means being your own boss and choosing who you work with, when, and how. In countries like Nigeria, where traffic jams are long and difficult transportation is the norm, freelancing is a dream come true for many. In developed countries, it forms a significant part of the modern workforce. For example, in the United States, over 60 million Americans were found to be freelancing in 2020 alone.

But, let’s face it, finding that first client as a freelancer can be like searching for a mystery man, mostly because when you’re new, you’re not really sure what to do. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Whether you’re a writer, designer, developer, or any other kind of creative genius, these steps will guide you to landing that first client and setting you on the path to freelance success. Our last step is particularly exciting. So, let’s get started!

1. Understand the Freelance Market

The freelance market today is expanding! With the rise of the digital age and gig economy, businesses are looking for flexible solutions. They’re hiring freelancers for short-term projects instead of full-time employees. This gives employers the flexibility they want and opens up a ton of opportunities for freelancers like you. But before you dive in, take some time to learn the ropes. Do your research and understand how the freelance world works.

The freelance world is a vast and varied ecosystem filled with opportunities and challenges. You’re not just doing the job; you’re also your own boss, marketer, accountant, and janitor. Freelancers span countless industriesā€”think digital marketing, content writing, graphic design, development, and more. The upside? You call the shots. The downside? You also handle all the shots. And while the freedom is fun, the competition can be fierce.

2. Build a Stellar Portfolio

Once you’ve done your research and acquired an understanding of the freelance market, then it’s time to create your portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of samples that showcase your work, skills, and accomplishments in a particular field or industry. Therefore, creating samples that highlight your best work is very important.

For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you can use A.I powered tools in Canva to create eye-catching graphics for your portfolio. Some of these tools are:

  • Magic Design: This tool is a game-changer for accelerating your design process. It turns your ideas into custom designs for various formats like social media posts, presentations, or videos. This tool is the ultimate sidekick to boost your productivity, spark creativity, and supercharge your workflow.
  • Resize & Magic Switch: This tool uses AI to reformat designs with a single click. It changes formats, languages, and dimensions in seconds, making it easy to switch between presentations, documents, and videos. This feature is a huge time-saver and makes design work more efficient.
  • Magic Media: This is a powerful tool that uses AI to create stunning images and videos from simple text prompts. It’s a great way to add visual interest to your designs and bring your ideas to life.
  • Translate Designs: This is Canva’s translator tool, and it makes it easy to connect with people worldwide by translating designs into over 100 languages in seconds. This tool eliminates the need for manual translations, saving time and effort.
  • Brand Tools: This tool brings all your brand assets into one centralized place, making it easy to manage and maintain consistency across all designs. This tool simplifies your workflow, empowers team members to create on-brand content, and ensures brand consistency.
  • Data Visualizations: This built-in chart makes it easy to turn data into interactive and engaging visualizations. This tool helps present complex information in a simple and compelling way, making it perfect for presentations and reports.

As a freelance graphic designer, your portfolio will be your ticket to impressing potential clients. Make sure you’re using these Canva tools. However, if you’re just starting out, you might not have a stack of past projects to include in your portfolio. No worries! You can create mock projects that demonstrate your skills. For example, a graphic designer can create a fictional logo for a make-believe company, or a writer can develop an article on a topic they’re passionate about.

3. Create a Personal Brand

A freelancer with a portfolio isn’t enough. You’ve got to stand out from the crowd, and that involves creating a personal brand. One of the most important aspects of a personal brand is a professional website. This will serve as your digital storefront, showcasing your work, detailing your services, and making it easy for potential clients to contact you.

Therefore, your website must be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines. This will improve your online visibility and provide a seamless experience for visitors. Remember, first impressions count, and a well-designed website can make all the difference.
Additionally, a personal brand involves a healthy social media presence. This must showcase your personality, passion, and expertise in your freelance field. In other words, your brand should scream, “I’m a pro, and you want to work with me!”

Furthermore, don’t be shy about your brand – let your friends, family, and former colleagues know you’re freelancing. They might know someone who needs your services. Word of mouth is powerful. It’s like having a squad of mini-marketers spreading the word for you. It’s also very likely your first job would come through one of them.

4. Join Freelance Platforms

With your friends and family aware of your freelance brand, take things further by signing up on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. These sites are gold mines for freelancers looking for their first gigs. Fill out your profile, list your skills, and start bidding on projects. Remember, it’s a numbers game. The more you apply, the higher your chances of landing a gig.

Also, tailor each proposal to your intended client’s needs, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. Remember, you’re not just selling your skills; you’re selling yourself.

5. Network Like a Pro

Family and friends can help you get clients, but to attract the big clients, you might need to expand your reach. This will involve networking at events in your freelance niche (also known as Industry events), participating in webinars, and online forums. Networking isn’t just about finding clients; it’s about building relationships. You never know who might need your services down the line or who might refer you to a potential client.

As mentioned earlier, word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals are golden in the freelance world. When someone vouches for you, it builds instant trust with potential clients. So, put yourself out there and let people know what you do. Your next client could be just one conversation away.

6. Offer Free or Discount Services

Wait, don’t sigh yet! Offering free work or a discount to a reputable client or for a high-visibility project can be a strategic move. Inasmuch as you’re promoting your personal brand and networking with others in your line of work, giving yourself out for free is an intelligent way to win people’s admiration.

Therefore, offering some or all of your services for free or at a discount to friends, family, or potential clients instead of just telling them about your work is a strategy to build interest and attract your first client. However, you have to evaluate the situation to make sure it’s worth your time.

7. Spread the Word with Email and Social Media Marketing

Now that you’ve created those irresistible free or discount services, it’s time to shout about them from the rooftops! Or, rather, share them with the world using social media and email marketing. Social media marketing is all about creating content that resonates with your potential clients.

Think about their pain points, what’s trending online, and how your services can solve their problems. Share valuable, engaging content that showcases your expertise and presents your services as the solution they need.

Email marketing is another powerful way to reach potential clients who have visited your website before. And, guess what? Mailerlite is an amazing tool to help you do just that! With features like:

  • Batch Email: Sending emails in bulk, saves you time and effort.
  • Multivariate testing: You can test multiple variables at once to optimize your email campaigns faster.
  • Perfectly-timed emails: Using the Mailerlite AI, you can determine the best time to send an email for each subscriber on your email list.
  • Sync forms across devices: With this feature, you can create a sign-up or opt-in form on one device, and it’ll be accessible on all others.
  • Progress bar for timezone campaigns: Using this feature, you can track the progress of your email campaigns across various timezones with ease.
  • New templates: With this feature, boosting engagement with 13 fresh design templates – including surveys and newsletters – is a walk in the park.

By using social media and email marketing, you’ll be able to attract a wider audience with your free and discount offers, bringing you closer to your first client and many more. Check out Mailerlite here.

8. Join an Online Community

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a freelance career. Stay persistent, keep applying for gigs, and be patient for clients. In this process of patience, it helps if you’re in a community with people who are in the same struggle as you. It takes away that feeling of being all alone, and you can learn new things from others.


In conclusion, freelancing offers the promise of freedom, flexibility, and the chance to do what you love on your terms. Landing your first client is the hardest part, but with the right strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a successful freelance career.

So roll up your sleeves, put on your creative hat, and get out there. Feel free to share with us: have you tried out any of these steps as a freelancer?