Someone said burnout occurs when we turn something we love doing into a job. There’s a story of a pianist who loved playing piano so much he made it his career. After ten or fifteen years of playing piano for money he got burnt out and the piano was no longer fun for him.

In this context, burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged creative stress.

The truth is in the vibrant realm of creativity, burnout can be like a storm cloud obscuring the sparkle of inspiration. With the constant pressure to innovate, design, write, and produce, it’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind of deadlines and demands.

But with a few resources it’s possible to reduce the strain of burnout and still maintain your creative dazzle. In this post, we’ll embark on a quest to uncover the top resources to prevent burnout for creatives:

1. Online Courses

There are a number of quality online resources created by people with experience which can help with burnout such as:

Tristetix’s Mental Health Resources for Creatives

Tristetix is a brand owned by Dahlia Akhaine, an entrepreneur with an intense passion for mental health and creativity. On her YouTube channel she provides an amazing level of insight for overcoming burnout and developing your mindset as a creative. She also has some amazing merchandise which can help you with burnout like:

Self Care Ceramic Mug

Healing Ceramic Mug

Also, watch her video on YouTube to discover three habits to avoid that lead to burnout.

Creative Live’s “Time Management for Creatives

Imagine Leonardo da Vinci trying to juggle the Mona Lisa while drafting blueprints for flying machines. Stressful, right? If only Leo had access to Creative Live’s “Time Management for Creatives.” This course, taught by productivity guru Lisa Congdon, dives deep into strategies for balancing projects without losing your energy, with extra tips on setting priorities, scheduling, and making the most of your creative moments.

With Lisa’s guidance, you’ll learn how to prioritize tasks effectively, manage your time efficiently, and harness your creative energy. You’ll discover how to create a schedule that works for you, not against you, and make the most of your productive periods. As the student noted, “I got some good information and will implement some of her ideas in my own time management.”

Skillshare’s “Self-Care Playbook for Creatives”

Skillshare’s “Self-Care Playbook for Creatives” by Jonathan Van Ness is a course which blends self-compassion exercises, relaxation techniques, and practical advice to ensure you don’t end up as a stressed-out artist in a garret. Think of it as a spa day for your creative soul.

Throughout the course, Jonathan shares his own self-care secrets and rituals, including yoga, meditation, crafts, journaling, and skincare. He emphasizes the importance of making self-care a priority, even for busy individuals. By following Jonathan’s guidance, participants will gain the tools to navigate life’s challenges with more joy, curiosity, and connection.

By enrolling in the “Self-Care Playbook for Creatives,” individuals will have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with themselves and develop a sustainable self-care routine. With Jonathan’s support and guidance, participants will learn to prioritize their well-being and unlock their full potential.

Whether you’re a self-care novice or a seasoned practitioner, this course offers a unique opportunity to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and live a more fulfilling life.

Udemy’s “Mindfulness for Creative People”

Udemy’s “Mindfulness for Creative People,” taught by Anna McNaught, offers meditation practices tailored to those with a creative bent. Studies show mindfulness can reduce stress by up to 30%, making this course a must-have for any artist’s toolkit.

Coursera’s “Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills”

If you’ve heard of Florence Nightingale? You’d know she revolutionized nursing. However, she also battled severe burnout, and resilience was key to her victory over it. Coursera’s “Positive Psychology:

Resilience Skills” by the University of Pennsylvania teaches you how to build resilience through scientifically-backed techniques. Perfect for anyone who feels like they’re one deadline away from a meltdown.

LinkedIn Learning’s “Balancing Work and Life”

Imagine juggling flaming swords while riding a bike. That’s often what balancing work and life feels like for creatives. LinkedIn Learning’s “Balancing Work and Life” by Dave Crenshaw helps you manage this act with aplomb. The course is packed with practical strategies to keep your creative juices flowing without sacrificing your sanity.

2. Books and Ebooks

So if you’re not satisfied with online resources or perhaps you’re a book person, who prefers settling down with a good books to solve your problems, then you should take advantage of these books to handle your creative burnout:

“The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield

In “The War of Art,” Steven Pressfield delivers a swift kick to the procrastination monster in most creatives. He explores the concept of Resistance, that invisible force that keeps us from our creative pursuits. Pressfield, a former marine turned author, knows a thing or two about discipline. He recounts stories from his own life, where he battled Resistance to become a successful writer. The key takeaway? Show up every day, no matter what.

“Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert, famed author of “Eat, Pray, Love,” dives into the mysteries of creativity in “Big Magic.” She shares anecdotes from her life and those of other creatives, showing how embracing curiosity and playfulness can stave off burnout. Gilbert’s humorous approach makes creativity feel less like a chore and more like a dance.

“Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less” by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

In “Rest,” Alex Soojung-Kim Pang argues that the key to productivity is not working harder but resting smarter. He draws on historical examples, like how Charles Darwin and Winston Churchill both valued their downtime. Darwin, for instance, spent only a few focused hours on his scientific work each day, and the rest of his time walking, napping, and engaging in hobbies. The result? Groundbreaking discoveries.

Also, every book on creativity advises one key method to avoid creative burnout, watch this video to find out.

3. Apps

Now you might not like online courses or books, but you have a thing for apps, here are a few apps to help you with creative burnout:

Trello – The Organizer’s Holy Grail

Trello is the modern-day equivalent of Benjamin Franklin’s daily planner. If Franklin managed to juggle being a statesman, inventor, and writer, surely you can manage your project deadlines and grocery list with Trello. This app uses boards, lists, and cards to help you visualize your tasks and track your progress.

Imagine a world where you don’t forget deadlines or lose track of your ideas. That’s Trello’s world. It’s perfect for managing projects, whether you’re a solo artist or part of a creative team. Plus, moving tasks to the “Done” column gives you that sweet sense of accomplishment. Franklin would approve.

Forest – The Digital Detox

In a world where distractions are as common as coffee shops, Forest helps you stay focused by planting virtual trees. Yes, trees. Set a timer, and if you leave your work to check Instagram, your tree dies. No one wants to be a tree killer.

Forest takes a page from the playbook of Nikola Tesla, who famously said, “The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude.” Tesla’s brilliance came from deep focus, and Forest helps you achieve that by making productivity a game. Plus, the app’s developers plant real trees based on your focus time, so you can save your creativity and the planet.

Headspace – The Mindfulness Mentor

When stress has you feeling exhausted after a rough night, Headspace can soothe your weary nerves. This app offers guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to help you relax and recharge.

Headspace helps you start your day with a clear mind and a calm spirit, ready to tackle creative challenges head-on. Plus, meditation has been shown to reduce stress and increase creativity by up to 50%—science has your back on this one.

Evernote – The Idea Catcher

Evernote is like carrying around a notebook. This app allows you to jot down ideas, clip web articles, and organize your thoughts in one place. It’s perfect for those “Eureka!” moments that strike in the middle of the night or during your morning coffee.

If you’re notorious for scribbling your ideas on anything you can find, then with Evernote, you can keep all your brilliant thoughts organized and accessible, reducing the stress of trying to remember that genius idea you had three days ago.

Calm – The Stress Buster

Burnout often feels like you’re trying to write a masterpiece while sitting on a ticking time bomb. Calm is here to defuse that bomb with relaxation techniques, sleep stories, and calming music.

Think of it as having your own personal wellness coach. Remember Marie Curie, the double Nobel Prize winner who juggled pioneering research and personal struggles? She often emphasized the importance of rest and balance. Calm helps you achieve that balance, ensuring you get the rest you need to keep those creative juices flowing.

Also, most apps recommend mental exercises to avoid creative burnout, check them out here.

4. Online Communities

Some people prefer communicating their issues to ordinary folks like them, instead of relying on a course, a book or an app. When you have an online community, you have a group of people who can assist you on your creative journey.

We all know creative pursuits can be isolating, but connecting with others who understand the highs and lows can keep you from going frustrated in your own mind. Some of the best online communities and you can be a part of are:


Behance is a digital platform that resembles the iconic Parisian art salons of the 1920s, where creatives like Picasso and Stein would gather to share ideas and showcase their work. Similarly, Behance allows users to showcase their projects, connect with others, and get discovered by potential clients, collaborators, or fans.

On Behance, users can create a digital portfolio to display their work, share it with the community, and receive feedback and encouragement from others. The platform also enables users to discover new work, projects, and people to follow and get inspired by. With its features like “Appreciations” (similar to a digital thumbs up), Behance fosters a community that celebrates creativity and innovation.


This platform is like the NBA for designers. It’s where the pros play, share, and get scouted. Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned player, Dribbble offers a supportive community where you can showcase your work and receive valuable feedback.

On Dribbble, designers can share their shots (projects) and get feedback from a community of peers and industry leaders. The platform is designed to foster growth and improvement, with features like “Likes” and “Comments” that allow users to show appreciation and offer constructive criticism.


With subreddits like r/Art and r/Writing, Reddit offers diverse communities where you can share your work, seek advice, or simply commiserate about the creative process. The anonymity allows for honest feedback, and the discussions can be surprisingly enlightening.

On Reddit, creatives can share their art, writing, or other projects and receive constructive criticism and support from a community of peers. The platform’s anonymous nature allows for genuine feedback, without the fear of personal biases or judgments. The various subreddits cater to different creative fields, providing a focused space for discussion and growth.

5. Forums and Support Groups

Forums and support groups offer a more specific space to connect with others who understand specific struggles, unlike online communities which could be very broad.

Joining a forum about creative burnout can provide valuable resources, advice, and support from people who get what you’re going through and can help you overcome it.

The 99U :

Named after Thomas Edison’s famous quote, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration,” this forum helps creatives turn ideas into reality. With articles, conferences, and forums, 99U provides practical advice and a sense of belonging.


Short for National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo has evolved from a yearly writing challenge to a year-round support community. Writers from all over the world come together to share their progress, struggles, and victories.

Through NaNoWriMo’s online forums, social media groups, and local meetups, writers connect with others who understand the challenges and joys of writing a novel. The community offers encouragement, advice, and motivation, helping members stay committed to their writing goals.


CreativeMornings is a free monthly event that brings creatives together for breakfast and inspiring talks. Founded by Tina Roth Eisenberg in 2008, it’s like a more relaxed and fun version of TED Talks.

With chapters all over the world, CreativeMornings hosts events that feature lectures, networking, and a chance to connect with other creative minds. It’s a great way to learn, get inspired, and start your day off right – with donuts!


Burnout is a real and pressing issue for creatives, but it’s not inevitable. By leveraging online resources, app tools, ebooks and support groups etc, we can build supportive communities, share our work, and learn from others. We can prioritize our well-being, cultivate inspiration, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

What other resources and strategies do you use to prevent burnout? What works for you, and what doesn’t?