A creative is an individual who use their skills and talents to create engaging online content, drive innovation, and inspire others through their work. In 2024, online creatives include graphic designers, writers, photographers, podcasters and content creators etc

So maybe you’re a creative genius and you love your art, but now you realize that for people to be aware of your work, you need to improve your marketing. There’s nothing wrong with being a marketing newbie as long as you improve.

Also, if you’re a good marketer looking for some fresh ideas to spice up your marketing game in 2024, you’re in the right place. Let’s get into some simple, yet incredibly effective marketing strategies that are perfect for creatives like you:

1. Build a Website

First things first, you need an online presence, and no, Instagram doesn’t count as a website. I’m talking about a real website that showcases your work and makes it easy for clients to find you. Think of it as your digital gallery.

Don’t worry if you’re not a coding guru. There are plenty of website builders out there that are as easy to use as microwaving popcorn. Just remember: keep it clean, professional, and make sure it loads faster than your morning coffee brews.

2. Email Campaigns

Email marketing might seem old school, but it’s a tried-and-true method that works wonders when done right. Create automated email campaigns to keep your audience in the loop about your latest projects, promotions, or even just to say, “Hey, I’m still around”

And here’s a pro tip: collect emails intentionally. Whether through opt-in forms on your website or in-person events, the more email addresses you have, the better. Just remember to respect people’s inboxes and avoid spamming like it’s 1999.

Watch this YouTube video and find out more about what most people are ignorant about in email marketing.

3. Advertise Smartly

Not all ads are created equal, and not all platforms are right for your brand. Test different channels like Facebook, Pinterest, and Google to see what works for you. It’s like dating, but for ads—find the one that gets you the best results and go steady with it.

Keep a close eye on your ad performance and adjust your strategy as needed. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where your audience hangs out and dropping your ads like a hot mixtape.

Also, you should check out this YouTube video for mistakes you should avoid as a buisness owner for more effective advertising.

4. Social Media: Your Free Gallery Networking Hub

Social media is your playground, so make the most of it. But don’t go opening accounts on every platform and exhaust yourself. Focus on one or two where your audience hangs out and build a strong presence there.

Create content that’s engaging, entertaining, and true to your brand. And remember: it’s called “social” media for a reason. Interact with your followers like they’re your best friends (but maybe without the endless memes).

Also, make use of our social media marketing bundle which has practical strategies to fast track your social media success, and check out this YouTube video for brilliant content ideas.

5. Partner with Influencers: The Cool Kids of the Internet

Influencer marketing isn’t just for big brands with even bigger budgets. Micro-influencers with smaller, engaged audiences can be your ticket to success. Find those who align with your brand and collaborate with them to reach new audiences.

Sometimes all they want is a free product or service in exchange for a shout out. Other times, they might ask for compensation. Either way, it’s a worthwhile investment if it means getting your brand in front of thousands of new eyeballs.

6. Run Promotions and Giveaways

Promotions and giveaways are a great way to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back for more. Everyone loves a good deal, so why not sweeten the pot with a discount or a freebie?

Just make sure your promotions are as appealing as a freshly baked pie. A good promotion can turn a casual browser into a loyal customer faster than you can say “50% off!”

7. Reviews: The Modern Day Word of Mouth

In the digital world, reviews are the new word of mouth. Encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews and handle negative ones with grace. Remember: a well-handled complaint can turn a frown into a sale.

Respond to reviews promptly and use them as an opportunity to showcase your excellent customer service. After all, potential customers are watching, and they want to see how you handle yourself.

8. Network Like You’re at a Cocktail Party (But With Less Awkward Talk)

Get involved in your local community and form partnerships with other businesses. Attend events, trade shows, and networking functions to get your name out there. You never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will come your way.

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards—it’s about building relationships that can lead to collaborations and partnerships. So, put on your best smile and start mingling!

Also, this YouTube video provides practical tips to help you improve your networking skills.

9. Embrace Change

Marketing is a roller coaster, not a merry-go-round. Marketing trends come and go faster than your favorite TV shows. Stay flexible and ready to adapt your strategies as needed. Whether it’s a new social media platform or a shift in consumer behavior, stay informed and be prepared to pivot.

10. Track Your Site With Analytical Tools

If you’ve never made a website and aren’t entirely comfortable with the technical elements, many free tools and services can help you get started.

For example, when you create your website, you can use Google Analytics or HubSpot Marketing Free (both free products) to easily track who’s looking at your site.

12. Boost your Google Ranking with SEO

When you search for yourself or your product/service online, is your business among the first pages to come up in the search results page (SERP)? If not, it might be time to invest in SEO.

SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to strategies to improve your ranking on search engines like Google.

There are a lot of factors that play into why a particular site does or doesn’t appear in the top spots on a SERP, from keywords (and their placement on your site) to the length of your content, the quality of your content, how fast your page loads, how often you post content and more.

At the end of the day, sites like Google use a complicated algorithm to find the best, most relevant content to present to the person searching.

For example, if I’m searching for the best salon in Newport, Rhode Island, it wouldn’t be helpful to find a web page of a salon that has closed down and is located in Newport, Kentucky.

It would, however, be helpful for me to find a salon in my area with great Yelp reviews, an easy-to-navigate website, and contact information readily available.
So, what does it take to get your content to the top of the relevant SERPs?

There are three key things to remember: buyer persona research, keyword research, and on-page SEO research.
Once you’ve done this research, check out this comprehensive guide to SEO to learn everything you need to know about structuring your online content in a way that will get your business discovered by the right people.

Also, check out this YouTube video for different Google apps that’ll help you improve your general workflow.

13. Research Keywords Opportunities

Keyword research is an extension of buyer persona research. Once you’ve created your buyer personas, use them to identify the best keywords for your brand.
Then, you can use a tool like KW Finder to find related keywords for your target audience.

Next, do some on-page SEO research and optimization. This is where you put those keywords into all the correct places on your website — like in the meta description, page titles, and H1 tags.

14. Optimize your Website for Mobile Devices

Today, the majority of Google searches are done on mobile devices. As such, making sure your site looks clean and is easy to navigate when someone enters it on their smartphone is essential.

Plus, some search engines boost your rankings if your site is mobile-friendly, making optimizing your content for mobile all the more critical.

In her comprehensive article, business writer Julie Thompson discusses the importance of responsive mobile web design, arguing that:

“Businesses today must offer customers a seamless mobile experience. A mobile-friendly website can positively impact brand image and sales.”

I know this can sound intimidating. The good news is you don’t have to be a tech expert to build a site that looks good on a smartphone or tablet.

Most CMS platforms (including HubSpot’s) offer mobile optimized templates that do the work for you!

15. Write Optimized Blog Posts

Another critical factor in your search engine ranking is your site’s blogs and other content. The more often your desired keywords appear in your high-quality and helpful content, the more likely you will end up high on the relevant SERPs.

Blogging is also a great way to establish yourself as an authority on your topic, product, or service. But don’t just write whatever you feel like. Instead, make sure you’re crafting your content with SEO in mind.

If you’re unsure how to start, I found these SEO tips for bloggers particularly helpful. In addition, a WordPress plugin like Yoast can be a helpful tool to keep SEO front and center as you’re writing.


Therefore, as a creative you can keep your marketing simple and effective by promoting yourself on social media, collaborating with influencers, and utilizing video content, you can broaden your reach and establish a strong brand presence.

Consistent posting, targeted ads, and lead capture techniques will help you stay ahead in a competitive market. Finally, nurturing leads through email marketing ensures you maintain meaningful connections with potential clients.

As you implement these strategies, remember that the photography industry is always evolving. What other tactics have you found effective in attracting clients in this ever-changing landscape?