Do you get a lot of prospects but very few of them end up buying your products or services? A lot of businesses have experienced this at some point in time, and only a few of them had the right information to convert prospects to customers.
The process that leads to prospects becoming customers is known as the sales funnel. It helps you understand every action involved in the customer journey.
The sales funnel is outlined into various segments, which are outlined below:
- Awareness
This is where prospects become aware of the products or services your business offers, and there are different ways for them to know about your product.
After they are aware of your business, the next stage is their interest.
- Interest
Once they become aware of your product or service, they will try to find out if it is the right one for them.
They will determine if your product or service helps a pain point they are faced with.
If their interest is sustained, they move to the level of making a decision.
- Decision
The decision stage is where prospects learn about the pricing and packaging system in place.
At this stage, activities such as follow-up through calls, webinars, and copy would help them decide to go with your company.
- Action
This is where your prospects become customers. They realize that you have a solution to their challenge and they are willing to offer money in exchange for your product or service.
Creating a sales funnel is crucial for your creative business as this helps you understand your potential customers, and what they are looking for at each stage of their journey.
In the rest of this blog post, we will be discussing how to map out your customer purchasing journey to help you create a functional sales funnel.
Know Your Target Audience
This is the most important part of creating a sales funnel because it gives you a comprehensive understanding about your prospects.
In other to sell to people you need to know more than just basic information about them. This helps you to develop your product or services to meet your audience needs.
There are various ways to get information about your audience you can begin by looking at your current customers and getting specific information about them and not just personas.
Audience research is a reliable way to get accurate knowledge about your target audience, you understand their painpoints and buying habits.
Some research methods include: surveys, behavioural data, and having online conversations.
Get Your Prospect’s Attention
Prospecting is an important step when it comes to sales. This is because prospects you get can become leads that will eventually buy from your creative business.
Gaining the attention of prospects is a major part of sales that almost every business struggle with.
This happens due to some reasons, one of which is because, on average, humans have a short attention span of about 8 seconds.
You are also not the only one trying to get the attention of your target audience, so they are exposed to other brands trying to gain their attention.
The sales funnel fails if prospects are not attracted to it. This is because prospects become leads that can convert to clients.
An exciting way to gain the attention of your prospects is to start by stating the issues they face and this can happen when you know your audience.
Once you gain their attention, you can amplify how these issues they face limit them and recommend a solution.
If they find it helpful they can be nurtured.
Nurture Your Prospects
Prospect nurturing is simply delivering personalized and helpful content that keeps your prospect engaged with your brand.
After gaining your prospects’ attention, you have to keep them engaged and segment them to become leads.
When done the right way, this can build a relationship with your leads and not just end in them buying but also becoming repeat customers.
How can this happen? You can maintain contact with your prospects with materials that provide answers to their questions, creating actionable content that matches the customer journey that can lead them to the next part of the funnel.
When creating a workflow for your lead nurturing ensure that it is persistent, valuable, personified and timed accurately.
The goal of a sales funnel is to nurture leads to become customers and it takes time.
As a creative business, having a sales funnel has a lot of benefits as it allows your business to optimize each step of the process which can lead to more conversion rate.
Key Takeaways
- A sales funnel helps you streamline your marketing strategy to know areas to be more focused on.
- A sales funnel also fosters customer relationship that increases the conversion rate.
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[…] Many of your target audience will eventually become customers if they understand how you solve their existing challenges, the major way to effectively communicate the solutions you have with them is by understanding your customer’s journey. […]