Every business exists to generate revenue, many businesses also take advantage of social media to market their products and services.

Many businesses and creatives complain about not making sales on social media, this is due to a lot of factors.

These are 7 common reasons why your target audience does not patronize your business on social media.



1. You Do Not Teach Your Audience.

Business owners and creatives typically would post products that they plan on selling, this is a good thing to do.

More importantly, businesses and creatives should help the audiences understand the need to use a product, and how to use whatever product or services they offer.

Give them tips, tricks and demonstration videos as this helps provide user-generated content, which in turn solves challenges your audiences face.



2. You Do Not Share Reviews.

Admit it, you sometimes ask your friends for recommendations on where to buy a product or use a service.

 Other times if you stumble on their social media accounts you look for reviews typically from previous clients.

The reason why you do this often is to be sure of whatever decision you want to make, reviews from previous clients serve as a source of credibility for new prospects, get to work and ask your previous customers to review your product or services.



3. You Do Not Add A Call To Action.

Creating an alluring piece of content is important for your business, that is because a good piece of content attracts prospects. Many shoppers online want a seamless process when buying a product or paying for a service.


It is your duty as a business owner or creative to make it easier for them and reduce the wait time a prospect needs to get an item, including a call to action to enable them to know how to reach you for a product or service.


When next you are advertising your product or service include the link to your website, a number to call and always include the prices of a product or service.

Asking prospects to DM for the price can be frustrating and time-wasting, be sure to do the right thing.



4. You Do Not Engage Your Audience.

Imagine a scenario where you walk into a store and ask questions about a product or service you need and no one responds. Quite an unbelievable scenario right?


This is exactly how it feels when you post a product or service on social media, and you refuse to reply to enquiries prospects on social media have about your products. Always provide swift and helpful responses to their enquiries.



5. You Do Not Have A Favorable Price

We all know selling on social media comes with extra sacrifices, having to do product photography,  the cost of data and the effort involved.


All of these mean extra costs but always ensure your products are affordable while you make the right amount of profit.



6. You Do Not Promote Your Content.

The reason many businesses get on social media is of course to make sales, but waiting on organic traffic would be you leaving money on the table to your competitors. 

Your prospects aren’t always your followers, sometimes they are scrolling through the explore page and it might take just one sponsored ad for them to see your products or services.

Utilize paid ads in reaching your customers, they are waiting for you.



7. You Do Not Know Your Target Audience.

Everyone is not your target audience. Yes! You want to target a large number of people, but you have to look at an audience who need your products or services territory. 

With time, after establishing the target audience for your social media marketing campaign, you can begin to introduce your products or services as it would serve them way better. 

If you are unsure who your target audiences are, researching this will help you quickly sort through the demographics of your target audience.
